Wednesday 31 July 2024

ContentNote record Creation in Apex


We have to create 2 object records :

  • ContentNote - For Creating ContentNote Record
  • ContentDocumentLink - For linking to the Record (ex: Account, Contact etc)

ContentNote Record creation:

The following Apex code creates a note and escapes any special characters so they’re converted to their HTML equivalents.

ContentNote cnObj = new ContentNote(); cnObj.Title = 'test1'; String body = 'Hello World. Before insert/update,
escape special characters such as ", ', &,
and other standard escape characters.'; cnObj.Content = Blob.valueOf(body.escapeHTML4()); insert cnObj;

The following code creates a note using text that is already formatted as HTML, so it doesn’t need to be escaped.

ContentNote cnObj = new ContentNote(); cnObj.Title = 'test2'; String body = '<b>Hello World. Because this text is already
formatted as HTML,
it does not need to be escaped. Special characters such as &quot;, etc.
must already use their HTML equivalents.
</b>'; cnObj.Content = body; insert cnObj;

To Link to a record (eg: Account Record Id = 001XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) :

ContentDocumentLink cdlObj = new ContentDocumentLink();

cdlObj.ContentDocumentId = cnObj.Id;

cdlObj.LinkedEntityId = '001XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';//We have to add record id //dynamically here based on requirement

insert cdlObj;


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