Let's see the following code how it handles when user doesn’t have permission to insert the Account__c field, which is a lookup from MyCustomObject__c to Account.
// Account__c is a lookup from MyCustomObject__c to Account
public class TestCustomObjectLookupStripped {
@isTest static void caseCustomObjectStripped() {
Account a = new Account(Name='foo');
insert a;
List<MyCustomObject__c> records = new List<MyCustomObject__c>{
new MyCustomObject__c(Name='Custom0', Account__c=a.id)
insert records;
records = [SELECT Id, Account__c FROM MyCustomObject__c];
SObjectAccessDecision securityDecision = Security.stripInaccessible
(AccessType.READABLE, records);
// Verify stripped records
System.assertEquals(1, securityDecision.getRecords().size());
for (SObject strippedRecord : securityDecision.getRecords()) {
System.debug('Id should be set as Id fields are ignored: ' +
strippedRecord.isSet('Id')); // prints true
System.debug('Lookup field FLS is not READABLE to running user,
should not be set: ' +
strippedRecord.isSet('Account__c')); // prints false
It's very Nice