Sunday, 3 July 2016

Lightning Component Creation (Account List Example)

This example explains you how to create a component and place the same into the Lightning app.

To create a Lignting Component we have different tools . For now we are going to use developer console to create Component.


Give Name "AccountsComponent"
After click on "Submit" you can get the Component with Lightning Bundle at right Panel.

Now create an apex class(Server Side Controller)  with "@Auraenabled" methods which will be used in the above component.

public with sharing class B_Lightning_AccountCls {
       public static List<Account> retrieveAccounts(){
                    List<Account> accountList = new List<Account>();
accountList = [select id,name,AnnualRevenue,Industry,Website  from Account limit 5];
                   return accountList;

Now include the controller in the component by using "controller" attribute.

<aura:component controller="B_Lightning_AccountCls">

Use <aura:atrribute> tag to hold the values from the javascript controller .

<aura:attribute name="Accounts" type="Account[]"/>

Here the "init" handler  used for performing action when component initialized.

<aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.myAction}" value="this"/> 

Here "myAction" is  a method in "controller" which we can create from the "controller" in lightning bundle  .
Component Code:

<aura:component controller="B_Lightning_AccountCls">
    <ltng:require styles="{!$Resource.Lightning_slds+'/assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system.css'}"/>
     <ltng:require styles="{!$Resource.Lightning_slds+'/assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system.min.css'}"/>
    <aura:attribute name="Accounts" type="Account[]"/>
      <aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.myAction}" value="this"/>
    <div class="container">
        <div class="slds">
            <ul class="slds-has-dividers--around-space">
                <li class="slds-item">
                    <div class="slds-tile slds-tile__detail">
                      <strong>Accounts Info</strong>
                <aura:iteration  items="{!v.Accounts}" var="accountObj">
                     <li class="slds-item">
                        <div class="slds-tile slds-tile--board">
                          <p class="slds-truncate" title="Anypoint Connectors"><a href="javascript:void(0);">{!accountObj.Name}</a></p>
                          <div class="slds-tile__detail slds-text-body--small">
                            <p class="slds-text-heading--medium">{!accountObj.AnnualRevenue}</p>
                            <p class="slds-truncate"><a href="javascript:void(0);">{!accountObj.Website}</a></p>
                            <p class="slds-truncate">{!accountObj.Industry}</p>

Click on "Controller" to create method.

Controller Code:

myAction : function(component, event, helper) {
var  action = component.get("c.retrieveAccounts");

var  action = component.get("c.retrieveAccounts"); //This is used for invoking the method 

Now we have completed component creation.

Now create a lighning app to see our output:


Now Give Name "AccountsApp" for application:

Click on Submit  and then we can see app with the following tag:

Now include your component by using "<c:componentName/>

Note the if we are creating package use package namespace in the place of "c" for specifying the component.

Here baluPckage is the name space.

To see your out put click on "Preview" in the Application right panel as shown below.




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    PREREQUISITE: Sales force certified Developer/Administrator
    Veeva CRM is the first solution created specifically for life sciences and the unique needs of human, consumer, and animal health.
    With advanced capabilities for planning and coordination across all channels, and predictive analytics through Veeva CRM Suggestions, Veeva CRM is the end-to-end solution that helps you adapt quickly to changing business needs and drive business growth.
    • Coordinate planning and execution across teams: Improve collaboration across key account managers, field reps, medical, and marketing to boost execution and deliver a personalized customer experience.

    • Boost productivity while remaining compliant: Optimize sales utilization and alignment while ensuring field teams engage the right providers in the right activities.

    • Drive continuous improvement faster: Enhance your customer engagement model by leveraging the latest process best practices, learning what works and evolving quickly.

    Module 1: Introduction to VEEVA
    Module 2: Overview of Admin Console
    Module 3: Data Access Security
    Module 4: Application Configuration
    Module 5: Creating Custom Objects.
    Module 6: Veeva Configuration Utilities
    Module 7: My Accounts Configuration
    Module 8: Account Object
    Module 09: Veeva Functionality Part 1
    Module 10: Products and My
    Module 11: Products Metrics Configuration
    Module 12: Call Management Configuration
    Module 13: Veeva Functionality Part 2
    Module 14: Cycle Plan Configuration
    Module 15: Sample Management
    Module 16: Data Loading
    Module 17: Territory Management Application
    Module 19: VMobile Tablet
    Module 20: Creating Reports and Dashboards
    Module 21: VInsights Configuration
    Module 22: Advanced Custome Setting

    For Joining online training batches please feel free to call or email us.
    Name ::saurabh
    Email :
    Skype id-saurabhmaxmunus
    Contact No.-+91-8553576305
    Company Website –

    PREREQUISITE: Sales force certified Developer/Administrator
    Veeva CRM is the first solution created specifically for life sciences and the unique needs of human, consumer, and animal health.
    With advanced capabilities for planning and coordination across all channels, and predictive analytics through Veeva CRM Suggestions, Veeva CRM is the end-to-end solution that helps you adapt quickly to changing business needs and drive business growth.
    • Coordinate planning and execution across teams: Improve collaboration across key account managers, field reps, medical, and marketing to boost execution and deliver a personalized customer experience.

    • Boost productivity while remaining compliant: Optimize sales utilization and alignment while ensuring field teams engage the right providers in the right activities.

    • Drive continuous improvement faster: Enhance your customer engagement model by leveraging the latest process best practices, learning what works and evolving quickly.

    Module 1: Introduction to VEEVA
    Module 2: Overview of Admin Console
    Module 3: Data Access Security
    Module 4: Application Configuration
    Module 5: Creating Custom Objects.
    Module 6: Veeva Configuration Utilities
    Module 7: My Accounts Configuration
    Module 8: Account Object
    Module 09: Veeva Functionality Part 1
    Module 10: Products and My
    Module 11: Products Metrics Configuration
    Module 12: Call Management Configuration
    Module 13: Veeva Functionality Part 2
    Module 14: Cycle Plan Configuration
    Module 15: Sample Management
    Module 16: Data Loading
    Module 17: Territory Management Application
    Module 19: VMobile Tablet
    Module 20: Creating Reports and Dashboards
    Module 21: VInsights Configuration
    Module 22: Advanced Custome Setting

    For Joining online training batches please feel free to call or email us.
    Name ::saurabh
    Email :
    Skype id-saurabhmaxmunus
    Contact No.-+91-8553576305
    Company Website –

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