Sunday, 25 November 2018

Run Script After Sandbox Creation and Refresh

Hi ,
We have an interface SandboxPostCopy from to do data manipulation after sandbox is created or refresh.
It makes our  sandbox environment business ready, automate data manipulation or business logic tasks.
At sandbox creation, specify a single Apex class to perform the tasks. This class executes every time the sandbox is copied.
Lightning interface of sandbox post-copy script specification

Create an Apex class that implements SandboxPostCopy and specify the class here. For example, the following Apex class simply reports the three contexts available in SandboxPostCopy: your organization ID, sandbox ID, and sandbox name:
global class HelloWorld implements SandboxPostCopy {
  global void runApexClass(SandboxContext context) {
      System.debug('Hello Tester Pester ' + context.organizationId()
           + ' ' + context.sandboxId() + context.sandboxName()); 

you can write your business logic in the method "runApexClass"


Monday, 19 November 2018

SFDX with Non Scratch Orgs

Hi ,

Gave demo on SFDX with Non Scratch orgs in our Salesforce Techbook Channel. You can learn how to use SFDX with Non Scratch orgs after this demo.

VS Code:
Salesforce Extensions:

Monday, 12 November 2018

Software installations for SFDX setup

Hi ,

We need to setup the following software in the order mentioned

1)Install Java8 (jdk 8)  and set path
2)Install SFDXCLI "" and set path
3)Install VS Code
4)Install "Salesforce Extension Pack" in VS code  (Under extensions section search for Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code)


Differences between Agentforce for Service and Einstein Bots

 Hi , There are a few differences between Agentforce for Service and Einstein Bots. Agentforce vs. Einstein Bots ...